The Ladybug poster
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The Ladybug

Starting watching the full-length Adventure cartoon "ruby and the Lord of water", the viewer meets a ladybug, forced to live on the territory of the laboratory in a small glass jar. Every day He dreams that someday the inhabitants of this place will have the opportunity to escape and go on Adventures. Ladybug has long been tired of being locked up, knowing that outside the laboratory is a huge world waiting to be studied.

Together with Rubin in the Bank lives a dragonfly, which the locals call the Lord of water. Together, they regularly discuss traveling to a country that seems mythical to many. However, the main characters know that it actually exists. You just need to know the exact route. But the problem is that for now they have to be behind glass in the lab. And even if they manage to get out, they need to find a magical giant bird. However, friends still get a chance to go on a trip. On the way they are waiting for a lot of difficulties. Will they be able to overcome them and find themselves in the place they have dreamed of for so long?
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