Captain America: The Winter Soldier poster
88% 12%

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Steve Rogers is working for a espionage company S. H. I L. D. in Washington D. C. the time shown in the movie is when the Battle of New York is over after two years. Nick Fury is the director of the agency and Rogers is trying hard to adjust in the current world. He is sent to the counter terrorism team with name S.T.R.I. K.E. team along with another agent named Natasha Romanoff. Their task is to free the hostages held by Georges Batroc.

When their mission is on progress, Rogers comes to know about hidden agenda of Romanoff. She has given a task to get some data from the computer installed on the ship and Fury himself has assigned her this task. When Rogers comes back to the headquarters, he tells everything to Fury. Then he explains Rogers about another Project Insight being carried out at S.H.I. E. L. D.
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