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The Dutchman is a hacker with real name Jan Stroop is contacted by industrialist Xavier Heimdahl for creating a bug program to crack world’s nuclear defense codes. The hacker gets panic and tries to contact CIA. He contacts agent named Bill Pope. Pope hides Dutchman in a safe place to save but Heimdah’s people find him and get killed before telling the place where Dutchman is hiding.

Quaker is CIA supervisor comes to know about the story and becomes very desperate to see Dutchman. Quaker knows Dr Franks who can plant memory of dead man on to the live man and detect the happenings of a Crime scene. They choose Jericho SteWard a convict in some cases as a live man for this experiment. Dr. Frank selects Jericho as he has weakly developed front part of the brain that can be used in conjunction with Pope’s brain. What happens next? Does Dr. Frank and Quaker get success in their experiment? is worth watching on the big screen.
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  • Genre:
  • Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
  • Country:
  • USA, UK
  • Director:
  • Ariel Vromen
  • IMDb:
  • 6.3
  • Year:
  • 2016
  • Actors:
  • Kevin Costner, Gary Oldman, Tommy Lee Jones, Ryan Reynolds, Jordi Mollà