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Big Game poster

Big Game

The plot of the film \"Big Game\" junior Finnish teenager Oskari must undergo a rite of passage in hunters, as did his father, grandfather and ancient ancestors. Since ancient times, there is this tradition, when a young man should hold in wild forests one day and one night, and will return home with the booty. Oskari has no strong spirit and courage, but the father still prepares his son and then sends to the forest. Ahead of a boy waiting for the challenge for survival, which makes him a man.

But not even Oskari suspects that he would have to not only hunt with one only bows and arrows, but also saved the life of one of the most famous and influential politicians, which appeared in the Finnish forests by will. While the United States \"stands by the ears\" and desperately searching for leads their President, who never flew to the Summit in Helsinki, a simple brat Oskari becomes a real lifesaver, because out of the backwoods unprepared person would be very difficult.
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  • Genre:
  • Action, Adventure
  • Country:
  • UK, Finland, Germany
  • Director:
  • Jalmari Helander
  • IMDb:
  • 5.4
  • Year:
  • 2014
  • Actors:
  • Samuel L. Jackson, Onni Tommila, Ray Stevenson, Victor Garber, Mehmet Kurtulus